Christian Relaunch

Every man is king of his family.

This page, which sees man as more than a beast but not less, applies the "More but not Less" principle (see Appendices) to the facts of marriage and parenting.

As this Section of the Creed pertains to the original unspoiled world, I assume here that all concerned comply with duty; elsewhere I discuss dealing with the consequences if they deviate from it.

1. Marriage

"Male and female he created them. ... It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him".

Genesis 1:27, 2:18

Marriage is a fact among animals. Sometimes it takes harem form, sometimes pairbond. A marriage begins when a pair begin to behave in certain ways, and ends (i.e. divorce occurs) if one of them desists from such behaviour.

The word "marriage" in its original sense was applicable only to humans, as it denoted the bringing together ("marrying") of the pair by authority. But I use it simply as shorthand for "mating bond", whether animal or human.

With animals there is seldom any ambiguity about whether or not a pair are married, for intermediate states are unstable.

The male generally leads and cultivates his wives.

That humans should also form mating bonds is a widespread intuition; many find excuses to set it aside, but few deny it outright. In general, only societies sunk in savagery seem to lack it altogether, and to have lapsed into matriarchy or promiscuity. This intuition seems to be a refinement of the above-mentioned ethoic fact.

Such considerations support my belief in androcracy, the principle that every woman at any given time should be a subject of a male king.

With animals, leadership is (literally) brutal, but a man should rule his wife communicatively, and she should respond obediently. With animals, cultivation focuses narrowly on reproduction, but humans should aim at a broader development in which the animal union of sexes is raised into a cultural union of genders. This asymmetrical union expresses at individual level the complementarity of male and female, which is essential to human fulfillment.

For more on Androcracy in general, see Androcracy.

On a particular literary exploration of Androcracy, see John Norman's "Gor" series.

On forming and ending marriages see The Proprieties of Marriage.

On "sexual morality" see Venery.

On "falling in love" see True Love.

On abortion and contraception see Human Fertility.

(Feminism) "Male chauvinists like you belong in the dustbin of history with all the other misogynists."

See Feminism.

2. Parenting

How should we raise children?

Parenting is a fact of nature. Both parents lead and nurture their offspring, who follow and feed from their parents, but in species that resemble ourselves (1) fathers especially lead and (2) mothers especially nurture. We should refine but not repress these instincts. Such considerations, with androcracy, support my belief in the principle that each man is the proper king of his family. See Fatherhood.

Animal nurture initiates the young into the instinctive behaviour patterns orientated to survival, but human parents should initiate them into the wider field of human culture.

Animal leadership is brutal, but human parents should govern communicatively, increasingly so as the children develop towards adulthood.

On discipline, see Disciplining children.

3. Family

With all of the above in mind, I believe the human family to consist of a man, his wife (if any), their wards (if any), and his other dependants (if any).

Subjects are always relationally feminine (and more often than not personally female), so it will sometimes be convenient to use the feminine pronoun "she" for subjects of indeterminate sex.

Marriage and parenthood both involve masculine rule but should not be confused, as occurs in the "daddy-babygirl" pattern that some couples cultivate. A woman is not a child.

Every child needs to be a ward of a governor and governess and a subject of their governor, and every woman needs to be a subject of a king. A child's initial status is as ward of their parents and subject of their father. The most usual status changes pertain to adolescence and marriage. See Status Changes.

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