Twas about two thousand years ago he walked through Galilee. The eternal God had stepped below, a man on Earth to be. Born of a lowly Hebrew maid, a carpenter he was by trade. He came down two thousand years ago. They tell of Jesus' glory, who met him in the way, And it is no idle story, for he lives in me today. He gives me peace and purpose true, a pow'r that's old but ever new. God came down two thousand years ago. Twas about two thousand years ago he died on Calvary. It was for sin he suffered so, though innocent was he. Our sin's results lay on his head. The harm it wrought he bore instead. He suffered two thousand years ago. [They tell of Jesus' glory ....] Twas about two thousand years ago an empty tomb was found. The stone was rolled away, we know. The hostile pow'rs are bound. My risen lord is now on high. He lives that we may never die. He triumphed two thousand years ago. They tell of Jesus' glory ....