Christian Relaunch

Gender in the World

I hope at some point to add more detail to this sketch, but meanwhile I hope it conveys the gist.

In the Physical World

In fundamental inorganic processes, gender appears as:

pulse and polarity;

energy and mass.

expansion and contraction;

In Animals

In animals, gender appears as:

two manners of behaviour;

two patterns of behaviour, each weighted toward one of those manners;

two sexes (male and female), each inclined toward one of those patterns.

This rests on (but is more than) those corresponding inorganic processes.

"Sexual reproduction has been favored by evolution probably because the random recombination of genetic information improves the chances of producing at least some offspring that will survive in an unpredictably variable environment."

Bruce Alberts et al, Molecular Biology of the Cell (2002 edition).

In Humanity

In humanity, gender appears as:

two manners of choice;

Masculine choices include: becoming, create, beget, progress, explore, initiate, invent, manage, assert, enforce.

Feminine choices include: being, conceive, conserve, consolidate, nurture, suggest, respond.

two patterns of activity, each weighted toward one of those manners;

two soul-modes, each prompted by conscience toward one of those patterns.

The human soul-modes rest on the corresponding animal behaviours. We are not controlled by our instincts, but we function better when we work with them, adapting them to our aims, rather than disregarding them.

All languages favour hard sounds (like takete and kiki) for spiky things and soft ones (like maluma and bouba) for curvy ones.


At every level each gender complements the other.

Inorganic nature proceeds by equilibrium of forces.

Animal species survive and evolve by each animal behaving as its sex inclines.

Human society ripens by each soul choosing as their gender prompts.