Christian Relaunch


When we say "child" we mean "human individual who is not yet a self".

Libertarian Patriarchalism

Combining the two pillars of our ethos drives us to certain conclusions.

A foetus or newborn child belongs to their mother's owner.

A girl when she becomes a woman still belongs to her owner.

A woman or child whose owner is untraceable or has abdicated (a stray) belongs to the first man to claim them.

So women are owned because they were owned as children, and children are owned because their mothers are owned, in an ongoing cycle.

If a woman's owner is unknown or has abdicated, the cycle is broken and she belongs to the first man to claim her. He can then treat her as daughter or spouse as he sees fit, and the cycle is restored. Maybe the cycle first began when God gave Eve to Adam, but otherwise imagine all women were once strays, the same principle applies. In the modern Western world, most women are strays, because fathers have abdicated.

A man's dependants are his women (his subjects) and his children.

Authoritarian forms of Patriarchalism also claim authority over adult sons.

Our Libertarian Patriarchalism makes no such claim.

See Xiao for a description of the benefits of Patriarchy.


Is it Legitimate?

A man (the conveyor) has the right to transfer an asset to any man who consents (the conveyee).

This is called conveying.

Dependants can be conveyed like any other asset.

If the conveyance if on condition of the conveyor's decease, it is called inheritance.

If a payment is linked it is a form of trade.

Is it Wise?

A man should always take account of his dependants' welfare as well as his own.

He should be willing to sacrifice both if the optimal ripening of society seems to require it.

Family stability is valuable in itself, so any case for such a sacrifice needs to be strong enuf.

For specific comments on the conveying of women and children, see below.


Venery is behaviour prompted by the mating instinct.

Its Forms

The male-dominance instinct is inseparable from the mating instinct, and our venereal arrangements should respect it.

The instinct is flexible in the forms it takes, but henogyny (pair-bonding) is usually best for us, though in extreme circumstances polygyny (harem-bonding) may be more expedient.

See Forms of Venery for details.

When describing human venery in general, it is sometimes convenient to assume henogyny without mentioning the exceptions, though sometimes it is more convenient to leave open the polygynous interpretation. For instance, if I mention "their wives" I see no need to point out that it would most likely be one wife each.

Conveying Women

The most common case where conveying a woman is justified is when a suitable suitor intends a mating bond with her. In such cases we call the conveyance a marriage, in which the owner marries the bride to the groom.

A payment linked to a marriage is called a brideprice (paid by the conveyee) or dowry (paid by the conveyor).

A bride's attitude is an important factor in deciding to marry her, and cases where her antipathy should be overruled are probably rare, but the final choice is her owner's.

On being led by the bride's inclination, see True Love.

"This is taking Androcracy too far."

None of the supposed alternatives makes sense. See Marriage.

I see no case where a man should convey his own bride, "so long as they both shall live". "What God has joined together let no man put asunder!"

Its Proprieties

Fucking a woman not his own is properly called "rape", whether she is passive victim or active accessory. Her owner should weigh the pros and cons of legitimation (by retrospective conveyance) versus recovery (by counter-seizure).

"In Greek drama, ... Helen of Sparta is sometimes raped by Paris, and sometimes seduced. The details depend on the playwright."

Wikipedia. Whether Helen acquiesced is a mere "detail".

If she is a stray, to fuck her is to claim her, so from that moment she is his and he should treat her accordingly.

Its Functions

On the duty to procreate, see Human Fertility.




Animals initiate their young into the behaviour patterns orientated to survival.

In most beasts, both parents lead and nurture their offspring, who follow and feed from their parents.

In apes, fathers do more of the leading and mothers do more of the nurturing.


We should refine our instincts but not repress them.

Men should initiate their children into the wider field of human development.

To this end, every child needs to be a ward of a governor and governess.

A governess is masculine in relation to her wards, a properly masculine choice-manner within a feminine activity-pattern.

Usually a man should himself act as his children's governor, and appoint their mother as governess.

On methods of control see Disciplining Children.


Conveying a child is only wise in exceptional cases.

The most common such case would be if the change improves the child's prospects enuf to outweigh the disruption to all concerned.

The conveyor should take into account that such a conveyance may end his own role as governor, his subject's role as governess, or both, unless the conveyance stipulates otherwise.


If a child is left with no governess, by death or otherwise, then (all else being equal) the child's owner should ...

... appoint a new governess.

... own the new governess (by conveyance if she is not already his).

... take the new governess as bride (unless he already has a living bride who for some reason was not the child's governess).

One conclusion from those maxims is: A widower with children needs a new bride.

Growing Up

A boy when he becomes a man becomes free, subject only to God, like any other man. He should usually agree a contract to remain with his father, probably under his instructions, at least for a while. If the father tries to impose on the son beyond any such contract, other men are entitled to defend the son, though they should judge carefully whether this is a man's resistance or a child's tantrum.

A girl when she becomes a woman remains her owner's, but now as a subject. Her relationship with her former governess should usually continue, at least for a while.

A rare few humans never reach selfhood (owing to severe disability). They remain their owner's.

A soul who lapses into imbecility becomes the property of their most recent owner or his heir. If the latter is deceased or unknown, the imbecile is a stray.

The transition from wardship to contract or subjection should be and usually is smooth, so it is hard to say at what age selfhood emerges. I guess around puberty. It may be only when a boy decides to leave his father's house to seek his fortune, or a girl starts to show interest in male admirers, that their selfhood becomes evident, though it may have been there for years previously.