This theory is provisional, fragmentary, and probably too simplistic. For instance, too binary. We overt plinears are a small minority, and maybe that is because although in reality folk are distributed along a "ptype spectrum", for some reason "moderate" plinears join with all platerals in a majority that calls itself "normal", leaving the few extreme (or extremely honest) plinears outside. To be investigated and compared with other theories (such as Jung's "Extraverts" and "Introverts"), but meanwhile the theory presented here strikes me as potentially fertile. The following A/B/C relate to the A/B/C of the Creed on the home page. (A): Innately, some humans tend to approach other folk linearly, others laterally. This is not the same as "linear/lateral thinking", so I'll add a "p" for personality and call the two ptypes "plinear" and "plateral". With a stranger, a plateral talks about the weather, or about anything except their real thoughts. A plinear simply shares their thoughts. Platerality can be helpful to "oil the wheels", but though I accept this I cannot fully understand it, just as a plateral cannot understand what to me are obvious benefits of plinearity. Neither ptype is better, and for humanity to realise its full potential both must be woven into one cloth, just as with other diversities like age, sex, nation and race. "God saw that it was good." (B): But humanity's Defection has led us all into bad habits, and the two ptypes into different types of bad habits. Both ptypes now tend to distort their platerality or plinearity. Both ptypes of distortion are equally bad. One such distortion is exaggeration; thus, platerals interact in a morass of hypocrisy, flattery and lies, and claim that they are "just being polite". The plinear equivalent is very different but equally bad. Each ptype is blind to its own distortions but sees those of the other ptype and confuses them with the other ptype itself. So arises the "glass wall" (discussed in dividing plinears and platerals, an instance of "the dividing wall of hostility" which the Defection has raised. (See Ephesians 2:14.) We plinears are the ones who feel excluded, because we are the minority, but both ptypes build the wall. Recently I have been studying the above-mentioned "plinear equivalent", trying to work out which of my own habits are distortions of plinearity rather than pure plinearity. Probably I need platerals to point it out. Probably they have pointed it out but, however hard I tried to listen, the truth I needed to hear was swamped by one-sided plateral falsehoods, telling me (tactfully) that plinearity itself was the problem. Meanwhile, I think I see at least some of how platerals have gone wrong (that "morass of hypocrisy"), and have often told them about it. No doubt I could convey this more effectively if I could achieve a healthier plinearity, but even allowing for the messenger's shortcomings I think I see plenty of distorted-plateral prejudice. (C): Ephesians 2:14 again: "Christ is our peace, who has made us both one, and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility". Both ptypes need to repent and unite; to repent not their plinearity or platerality but the distortions. But to make this work needs knowledge: "Supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge" (2 Peter 1:5). I continue to seek this knowledge, but one conclusion I have formed: "masking" ("acting normal") is no part of the solution. I will explain why. If platerals were really "just being polite" and plinears were "just being frank", there would be no problem; they would weave that cloth together with only creative friction. But they are not, and for a plinear to "mask" involves joining in the prevailing distorted-plateral hypocrisy, when what platerals need is to have their hypocrisy challenged, just as I need to have my ... whatever it is (bluntness? argumentativeness?) ... challenged. (Saruman: "We may join with that Power. It would be wise. ... As the Power grows, its proved friends will also grow; and the Wise, such as you and I, may with patience come at last to direct its courses, to control it. We can bide our time, we can keep our thoughts in our hearts, deploring maybe evils done along the way, but approving the high and ultimate purpose. ... There would not be any real change in our designs, only in our means." Gandalf: "I have heard speeches of this kind before, but only in the mouths of emissaries sent from Mordor to deceive the ignorant.")