Christian Relaunch

Ideas for Improving the Site

Content (Errors)

The Happy Fault page derives the felix culpa from belief in the Decree. The Restitutionalism page places it more accurately.

The Family page implies that wards can be of both sexes. This should at least allow for the possibility that every male soul is free from his father.


More pictures.

At least each Creed Item should have an image, which (pending any better approach) can simply illustrate the key word: Task, King, Standard etc. Banal and vacuous but probably effective.

Photograph myself with various relevant props? Buy stock images? Find free stock images?

"Deep captions".



Per Item page, offer link to "Next Item (of Creed)" as alternative to "Back to Main Contents" (i.e. to list of items)?

How to facilitate return to a Part 2b page from one of the many pages it cross-references? The latter page's "back" link points to that page's natural context, and I fear that an alternative link would place an undue burden on the visitor to know whence he came. (Such "alternative contexts" seem less vicious in Cosmology and Ontology but that is just my impression.)

Beyond using landing pages, indicate doxagraphically relevant pages.

Blog vs Forum

Alphabetical Glossary.

Expand the hover-list.

Will touch screens enable hover? Use "Detail" paragraphs instead of hover-text?


Short sentences.

Easy vocabulary.

"Anthroposis", "Deity" and "Perennial" seem to cause some difficulty but what to do about them?

Verbal imagery.

Everyday examples and applications.

"Story beats statistics."

"If you're explaining you're losing."

State each belief before explaining it.

I usually do this, but with some exceptions, for instance when a Creed Item page has several steps.

How to format this? Main and MainDetail?

In lists of points, use bullets or numbers. (This also helps SEO.)

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