Christian Relaunch

Guidebook for Visitors

Reading a page

Choosing pages to read

Returning to a previous page

Reading a page

Most pages follow these rules:

1. Statements that can be omitted without losing the main point are in a smaller font size.

2. Statements incompatible with this site's point of view are usually in red, and followed by a reply in blue.

Here is a sample of how a typical page might look.

A note about the context of what we are about to say.

An opinion that opposes ours.

Who expressed it, and when.

An opinion that supports ours.

Who expressed it, and when.

Our thesis (that is, a statement of our belief).

A minor detail about that thesis.

The case for our thesis (that is, our reasons to continue to believe our thesis).

1. First in a list of points that is part of our case.

2. Next item in that list.

A minor detail of our case, probably answering a question you have not asked.

(Name of a contrary view or advocate thereof.) An objection to our thesis.

Our reply to that objection.

Choosing pages to read

Part 1: Creed

Our Creed, the most important part of the site, is a list of items in which we try to express the basic beliefs of real Christianity.

The items are in logical order. Each builds on previous ones but not on subsequent ones.

But logic is not biography. Every mind is different, and in practice few of the folk who accept the whole creed will have adopted the items in the logical order.

The Creed has three sections: Creation, Defection and Restoration. Most "Christian" creeds treat creation only briefly, and this is often where they go wrong, for we can understand neither man's disorder nor God's remedy until we understand God's original plan and man's original nature.

There are 7 main items, some of which have supplementary items.

Is this really a creed? Some of the supplementary items concern matters that early Christianoids called didache (teaching) rather than kerugma (proclamation) and that were omitted from early Christianoid documents such as the "Apostles' Creed". These "didactic" items are marked with a *, and no "kerygmatic" item builds on them, but they are important. Whether or not to call our Creed a "creed" is a minor issue, but if you prefer we can call it a "list of principles" instead.

Each item links to an item page explaining what the item means and defending it against objections, with further links to topic pages exploring related topics.

The item pages vary in length. Every item is essential, but some need more explanation than others.

The objections, or the viewpoints they reflect, are generally named. We try to use names that are familiar, at least in academic literature.

Where we use academic jargon we have tried to explain it, but there is some way to go before we can claim full success in this.

This part of the site consists entirely of generalisations. It says nothing about specific events.

Restoration corresponds to a historical event (the life of Jesus Christ), but only as regards its "what" and "why", not its "when", "where" and "how". (And the same applies if Defection also corresponds to such events, or even Creation.)

The Biggest Rule: DWID ("Drill When In Doubt")

Start by reading the first item of the creed. If you agree with it, read the next one. And so on. If you come to one you doubt (or even definitely dislike), drill into it to open its Item Page.

In the item page, follow the same principle. Read the first main (i.e. unindented) point. If you like it, read the next one. If not, maybe one of the details (indented under the main point, or via a "For details" link), or our reply to one of the objections, will satisfy you.

If a doubt is satisfied, go back to the point where that doubt arose, and continue from there.

But if you are not in a hurry you may prefer to explore the details even if you already agree with the main point.

If you reject any item of this creed, we cannot regard your viewpoint as "Christian", but if the difference seems to be minor we want to hear from you so we can try to resolve it.

The explanations range from clarifications, which probably could not change without changing the creed, to tentative explorations as to how the creed might be interpreted, elaborated or applied. The further we "dig down" into details, the more "negotiable" they are. But we cannot in advance distinguish between "essential" and "optional" statements; we try to treat each case on its merits, depending on where the dissent seems to be "coming from".

Part 2: Specifics

This deals with specific events and trends.

Past gives some historical background.

Present describes some espects of modernity.

Future proposes ways forward.

It does not give details of future history, for (pace Chiliasts) God has not revealed them. (Perhaps, pace all Divine Absolutists, he does not know them.)

Nothing in this Part is essential to our creed. At most it is "exploration" (see above).

There is no attempt at completeness here. This is just a repository of topics we have covered.

Returning to a previous page

At the bottom of each page, the "back" link returns you to the page you came from.

In a few cases, where the page can be reached by different routes, there is a choice of "back" links, and you need to choose one.

But if your device has a general-purpose "previous page" facility you can use that instead.

To return to the Main Contents, keep going "back".

It will seldom be more than two steps away, as the site is mainly arranged "horizontally" rather than "vertically".

For instance ....

Back to Main Contents.