Christian Relaunch


Epicenalism is the belief that in all important matters the sexes are interchangeable.

"[We seek] ways to abolish gender hierarchies and discriminations. ... Both sexes should carry the burden of everyday chores together."

Mission21, Women and Gender (retrieved in 2017 from and Gender Policy for the Office in Basel (2014).

Complementarianism is the belief that the sexes are complementary.

"Distinctions in masculine and feminine roles are ordained by God as part of the created order."

Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, Danvers Statement, 1988.

Epicenalism holds that all differences between men and women are trivial or problematic.

Mission21 is not especially influential as far as I know. Their approach is common, but definite statements are scarce and theirs happens to be the clearest I have found. It is remarkable, and I suppose indicative of the dishonesty of this heresy's proponents, that so few of them openly admit their aim. I expect that even Mission21 would deny it if asked. But their discourse points in this direction, and if there is any point at which they would say "enough!" I have not found it. Like their avowedly Humanist allies, I suppose they want every parliament (and consistory!) to be 50% female, and even then will not be satisfied. All in all, I think my characterisation is accurate. Here are some statements by Humanists; any Christianoid who wants me to accept that they are not Epicenalist needs to disavow such language.

"Women's empowerment and their full participation on the basis of equality in all spheres of society, including participation in the decision-making process and access to power, are fundamental for the achievement of equality, development and peace."

United Nations, Beijing Declaration, 1995. (Italics added.)

"The roles that men and women play in society are not biologically determined. They are socially determined, changing and changeable.

United Nations Population Fund, Gender Equality, retrieved from, 2017.

Complementary of course means different.

As far as I know, the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood is (like most modern Christianoids in the global West) Psephogynistic, which means that they are themselves Feminists, albeit moderate ones, and that their Complementarianism falls short of Androcratism. But since they provide a clear statement against Interchangeablism, and since I know of no modern Christianoid Androcratic literature, I cite them for lack of anything better.

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